Wednesday, February 11, 2009

fundraising walk

To all volunteers for the 'Fundraising Walk for The Polar Girls'..

1) I doubt there will be another meeting about the event. But don't worry, if I receive any news about it, I will immediately text each of you letting you guys know.

2) As for our "uniform" during the event, this text from one of the BARA guys would sum it up: "We are currently tryin to get shirts for our volunteers. But in case of unforseen circumstance the default is a red tshirt for all volunteers". I've also heard second-hand from a source that, instead of red, the default is white T-shirts.
2) "To all volunteers: plz take note. U all r to wear white tshirts this SUN,15/2@Stadium,6am. Just in case, if u donot happen to have any white tshirts. Try buying@Giordano, $6.90 only. Thank u -BARA"

3) As for our tasks, I know we will have to be separated, we can't create a swarm of volunteers at one place. The main reason for recruiting more volunteers is to fill up the slots that are still empty.

There are still many questions that need answering, I'll be meeting the BARA guys on Friday so if any of you "kan bekirim soalan".. just text me, send me an e-mail or drop a comment.


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